Attractions in San Fran during Super Bowl Weekend

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Attractions in San Fran during Super Bowl Weekend


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One of the biggest events in American Culture is upon us… no not Labor Day, no not even the 4th of July… I’m talking football! For many of us we couldn’t give two hoots (ME!). However, there are those of us who are all out crazy, can’t wait for this moment all year type, of excitement.

Right now, some of us are traveling to San Francisco to watch the big game, and some of us are traveling to San Fran to work an event surrounding this huge weekend. Either way, San Fransisco is a FREAKING awesome city to be in right now!! Here are some activites to do in SF if you have a couple extra days or even a couple hours to spare.

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[av_content_slide title=’1. Go see the Painted Ladies’ link=” linktarget=”]

Feeling nostalgic? Take a trip down memory lane on this street to see the “Painted Ladies” from the TV show Full House. Even bump up the nostalgia by playing ‘Everywhere You Look’ on your smart phone.. I dare you try not to laugh! These classic houses can be found on the corner of Grove and Steiner Street just a 40 minute walk from Union Square.

[av_content_slide title=’2. Oyster Bar Hopping’ link=” linktarget=”]

If you like Oysters then you’re in the right place. San Fran loves them too, and there’s no lacking of Oyster Spots. One of my favorite spots is Hot Island Oysters Company in Embarcadero at the Ferry Building. It features patio seating on the marina facing the Bay Bridge. Be prepared to wait a bit, but its worth the wait!

[av_content_slide title=’2. Imbibe a Bit’ link=” linktarget=”]

Do you imbibe? SF does not have a shortage of lounges to wet your whistle. One of my faves is the lounge at The Cliff Hotel in Union Square called ‘Redwood Room’ where they do things just a bit differently. P.S. Be mindful of the eyes….. you’ll just have to see what I mean.

[av_content_slide title=’4. Go on an Urban Hike’ link=” linktarget=”]

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If you have time, and the weather is right. Take the bus or an Uber as far as you can to get to the Twin Peaks Summit. It’s recommended you go on a clearer day in order to get the full experience, otherwise you’ll be staring into a foggy ibis. The photo above is a RARE sight… trust me!

[av_content_slide title=’5. Bike the Bridge’ link=” linktarget=”]

If you don’t have the time to bike the bridge. Then head over to Crissy Field on the city side for the quickest way to see it, or catch a taxi to the Sausalito side across from the city. This in my opinion has the best views.

[av_content_slide title=’6. Afternoon Pick Me Up’ link=” linktarget=”]

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After visiting the bridge you’ll probably need the energy to keep up the pace! Buena Vista cafe is the perfect place to get your afternoon fix. Located just on the west end of the wharf, you’ll sit at a rustic long bar and be served up some fresh coffee, a little of the good stuff, and cream made from the heavens. This place has the best Irish Coffees you’ll ever taste! Trust me! If you’re not feeling an adult beverage, Ghirardelli Square is right next door. They know how to get you going too!

[av_content_slide title=’7. Pass by Fisherman’s Wharf ‘ link=” linktarget=”]

Now that you’ve gotten a little pick me up, you might as well take a look around Fisherman’s Wharf. Stay for as long or as little as you like. Food tends to be higher priced in this area, and quality in my opinion isn’t as great. If you must Boudin’s serves up from pretty epic clam chowder if you’re hungry and just passing through.


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