Springs Most Sought After Blooms

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Springs Most Sought After Blooms


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Sword Lake, Hanoi Vietnam

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Spring has definitely sprung, and with that comes some of the best gifts nature has to offer-FLOWERS! As temperatures rise, flowers start rearing their pretty little heads to give us a glimpse that gloomy days are about to end. In some parts of the world flowers are more than just pretty they’re an attraction!

Recently, I was able to partake in such attraction by visiting the ‘Super Bloom’ in Death Valley. This bloom is a BIG deal considering the name of this location speaks for itself  “Death” Valley, because nothing really grows here, especially flowers. Seeing these ‘Super Bloom’ was very rare, and when I say ‘rare’ I mean- once every 10 years- sort of rare. If you haven’t paid a visit to this National Park, it’s best to get a move on it.

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Not to rub it in… but it was incredible! Here are some of my bucket list bloomy destinations during Spring time.

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[av_content_slide title=’1. Washington D.C., USA’ link=” linktarget=”]

Cherry Blossoms in Washington D.C. is our nations capital favorite time of year. Beginning in late March to Early- Mid April you can take a stroll through the capital grounds to see the beautiful flowers in bloom.

[av_content_slide title=’2. Newquay, England’ link=” linktarget=”]

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Poppies upon poppies, near Newquay, England and Porth Joke Beach. There you will find glorious wildflower meadows, and rich landscape surrounding the area.

[av_content_slide title=’3. Mount Rainier National Park, Washington ‘ link=” linktarget=”]

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Mount Rainier is amazing in itself, but add flowers to the mix, and you have one heck of a view! The parks flowers’ start blooming around late March and different flowers bloom all throughout the summer until Autumn.

[av_content_slide title=’4. Madeira Island, Portugal’ link=” linktarget=”]

Madeira Island is an Island Nation, located slightly south of Portugal in the Atlantic Ocean. Each year, after Easter, a huge festival is held to celebrate springtime. Everywhere you look flowers are adorned, and everyone you see may even be dressed as a flower, too! This year the festival is being held April 7th-13th. If you’re in this area, I would definitely suggest checking out the festivities on the island.

[av_content_slide title=’5. Death Valley National Park, California ‘ link=” linktarget=”]

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There’s still a few more days left to see this ‘Super Bloom’ in action. As explained before this happens about once every 10 years! As temperatures rise in Death Valley flowers will become more scarce. Rumors say there are still some out there, but act fast!

[av_content_slide title=’6. Japan’ link=” linktarget=”]

Bucket List Destination!!!! If you thought Washington D.C. was the only place to see the Cherry Blossom trees bloom then you thought wrong! In spring, these trees are in full force. These beautiful tree flowers don’t bloom for very long though, and typically last for about a week in each area. This helpful link (http://www.japan-guide.com/sakura/) provides a real time guide to when the flowers are in bloom in all areas of Japan.

[av_content_slide title=’7. Noordoostpolder, Holland’ link=” linktarget=”]

Less than an hour outside of Amsterdam is one of Hollands most popular tulip farms located in Noordoostpolder. The bloom from the tulip bulbs happen from end of March until mid May.

[av_content_slide title=’8. Paris, France’ link=” linktarget=”]

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The Palace of Versailles in spring is surely a spectacle to see! All of the meticulously placed and planted flowers strung throughout the gardens, will seem like a fairytale dream. If you can’t make it to Versailles, the city of Paris itself should have enough flowers to keep you in awe.


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Comment below on your favorite flowery destinations I may have missed! Happy Spring Everyone! Go out and smell the roses!
